Wednesday, April 9, 2014


The article I read is School District Denies Audrie Pott Reported Bullying After Family Claims Negligence when i start reading this article it  takes my attention back in high school life. Nowadays  teens are getting very bad and hurtful to others it's like they don't care about other felling or life. Some family lost their daughter  because sexual assaulted in Labor Day party, they also wrote humiliating messages on her body, and then show the pic to the classmates what unsafe world we living on. Teen's don't thing widely thy just enjoy of the moment and they just don't see what it's gone cause after.   I am hoping the person  who every did they will get what they deserve. Also the family try to blame on school but school is not the one to blame because the thing happen out of the school. After we read this it's very hard to let our kids go to school because noting is safe nowadays. Cyberbullying is really hurtful threatening, and embarrassing electro communication thing for any person because it send or post unusual things to any kind of social media which is not interesting things. In addition, cyber bullying can be worse than other types of bullying because  the bully may be anonymous or meaner than they would be in person. In other hand cyber bullying is related to short or long term problems for the bullies and the victims, example, mistrust toward others, anxiety and depression or anxiety. finally it's not great to cyber bullying unless its your very very cloth family or friends its' really hurtful.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

AI and Robotics

  1. Drone entrepreneur Chris Anderson is skeptical about Amazon’s drone delivery plan. this is the article i read. the topic by it self it amused me it is some kind of interesting thing  to me. Its show us how technology gone so far. Drone delivery its so easy and might be quick than person delivery. In the article they mentioned that the drone can cause some kind of damage obviously they kind of right if the drone fly in low level it can crash with people or house so they have to do something about that other than that amazon drone delivery would be the amazing delivery plan ever to me because they might deliver your item so fast and wont take that long too. I also sow the pic its kind of interesting what  they try to bring for this world. i can't wait to see that drone delivery on plan on air carrying item and deliver to the person. that's will be totally awesome. they also said that the drone delivery will be ready in 2015 next year not long.  I believe that if technology will continue like this i guaranty robots will take the lead, and do more than human does. Also robots and human are make errors, but in my opinion i think robot will make more error than human because  they are fast and so can do things quickly so that way they can make a lot mistakes or error than any human can. well this the owner faults because before he get the thing he has to make sure 100 % great so i will say that's the owner fault. technology is getting so crazy every second so as the same time human can make a mistake so we got chick that too.