Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hello my name is Henock Azage, i am a second year computer science student at Northeastern Illinois university. I also love to play soccer, basketball, and volleyball. Also i love to play video game, and sometimes i hung out with my friends to having fun. I really love and know a lot about technology. As we know right now technology is take the lead all over the world and every year gave us magnificent style and futures etc....
well first and foremost, good technology integration is seamless and should be quick and easy. Teachers, learners, and observers don't typically notice non- tech learning tools this should be the case for using technology in the classroom. Second, we are living in an age of media interactive web tools so much so that they are a part of everyday life and much of these tools are free, open source content and a large variety of same should be fully taken advantage of. Third, technology should be used to assist students in not only connecting with what is unfamiliar to them but above all what is familiar to 9 them or what they are good at, technology allows us to connect with others and resources that our in our own interest and skill set, this should  always be emphasized. The bottom line is that teaching with technology means changing one's mindset as to what, how, and where teaching and learning occurs, whether it be 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 or some label not even thought up yet we should have a open mind and be assured of one thing, everything is going to keep changing!
Lets take social media. To me social media is a web that people can communicate throw that web. Lets take Facebook what it does is let us to adding friend and commenting on their profiles also it let us too chat or positing news pic and etc.... which is that's why i really love technology very much and when i use in it it helps me a lot with make me happiness.
The cite is 
New lesson plan: Temple professor invites students to tweet during class
I found out this cite so interesting that the professor make twitter part of his class he is an excellent professor to me because to me the professor invent how to teach new great way. And i think the student might like it too. I really loved it this cite after i read it  it's pretty cool way to teach this way.